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"Okay, Library", Drumming, and West-Shaming

Critical Thinking is Nothing Without Knowledge | Areo Magazine

Even in the age of "Okay, Google" critical thinking relies on a corpus of basic knowledge.

Neil Peart, Beyond the Gilded Cage | New York Times

A heart-felt tribute after the passing of one of the greatest drummers to have ever lived.

The Left is Having an Identity Crisis | Areo Magazine

From the article: "If left-leaning parties around the world hope to have any future electoral success, they need to ditch both elitism and identity-based theory and develop some self-awareness." Written by two self-proclaimed Leftists, it's a refreshingly honest review of the breakdown of "the Left."

How Trump’s Trade War Is Making Lobbyists Rich And Slamming Small Businesses | ProPublica

Some big companies are paying lobbiests to gain exemptions to tariffs, benefiting from unfair regulations.

The Cult of West-Shaming | National Review

America and the West is by no means perfect, but when it comes to racism, sexism, and other nasty -isms, other cultures are far worse, yet escape condemnation by the "woke Left."

Schuyler DugleComment