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Science, Security, and Speech

Schools Don’t Have to Adopt Critical Education Theory to be Inclusive or Just | David J. Ferrero

This article offers a primer into the four main educational schools of thought (as it were), covering how they each think and their respective goals.

Your Computer Isn't Yours | Jeffrey Paul

This article exposes some of the anti-privacy implications of recent changes in macOS. It also delves deeper into current privacy and security concerns. From the article: "It turns out that in the current version of the macOS, the OS sends to Apple a hash (unique identifier) of each and every program you run, when you run it. Lots of people didn’t realize this, because it’s silent and invisible and it fails instantly and gracefully when you’re offline, but today the server got really slow and it didn’t hit the fail-fast code path, and everyone’s apps failed to open if they were connected to the internet."

Free Speech Prevails at Princeton | Robert P. George

The story of when Princeton University declined to punish a tenured professor for responding critically to a statement on anti-racism signed by many at the school. From the article: "What should these two academics do about their disagreement? What they should do is what the two of them are in fact doing. They should respect and honor each other’s right to speak his mind."

G.K. Chesterton on Scientific “Experts” | Chuck Chalberg

From the article: "Chesterton’s chief concern here was that man was in the process of abdicating his authority. He worried that the modern man of his era was increasingly inclined to stand aside and permit the tool called science to dictate what should be done politically and socially, because it could be done scientifically."

Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept | Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald's article on Biden and Ukraine that The Intercept - the outfit Greenwald himself founded to uphold journalistic integrity - refused to publish, the final straw resulting in Greenwald's decision to resign.

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