Dugle Bugle Newsletter

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The Case for Bad Coffee

The Case for Bad Coffee | Keith Pandolfi

Maybe the people you drink coffee with are more important than the coffee itself.

American Racism: We’ve Got So Very Far to Go | David French

"Then, where I sit changed, dramatically. I just didn’t know it at the time. I went from being the father of two white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids to the father of three kids—one of them a beautiful little girl from Ethiopia. When Naomi arrived, our experiences changed. Strange incidents started to happen."

Why Do Christians Hate on Christians (the preposition takes the edge off sin) | DG Hart

As I was reminded recently in a sermon, we often seek mercy for ourselves and justice (as we define it) when we notice errors (as we define them) in others. Perhaps I and others have been too quick to judge other Christians.

Is Woke Capitalism Profitable? | Vincent Harinam

"While the stated aim of this project was to better understand woke capitalism, the overarching objective was to expose the empirical frailty of the culture wars. Cultural warriors have a habit of oversimplifying complex phenomena. The result is catchy slogans and dank memes." In this article, Harinam uses a few case studies to show that "going woke" has neither a strong positive nor negative effect on companies' bottom lines.

Who Now Remembers Andrew Lang? | Bradley Birzer

"As an anthropologist and folklorist, Lang believed in a Chestertonian “democracy of the dead,” noting that fairy tales and folklore serve as records of the past in the cultural realm, much like the tradition of common law in the legal realm."

Schuyler DugleComment